lastname: of England (Plantagenet)
firstname: Henry II (Court-Manteau), King
born_y: 1133
dead_y: 1189
heraldics: of_England
religion: kat
profession: 1150 duc de Normandie, 1151 comte d'Anjou, 1154 King of England, first of the House of the Platagenet. The heritage of the rights to the english crown from his mother were forced by his marriage of Eleanore of Poitou. 1155 fights agains Ireland, 1157 against North-Wales, in France and after 1163 in England against the church, 1170 allowed the murder of Thomas Becket. He managed to fuse saxon and norman culture, society and rights, bad faced the first problems with France due to the fact that he was a French vasall. His son Richard Lionheart.
lived_in: England, Normandie.
born_d: 25
born_m: 03
born_in: Le Mans
dead_d: 6
dead_m: 07
dead_place: Chinon
source: Rübel-Blass 272, 257, 284, 251, 253 Hübner 72, P.Andrieu, Histoire de l'Empire Normand (Payot); ZhWR 9
diverse: 1. Cop. Eleanore de Poitou, die 1152 von Louis VII de Capet (de France) geschieden war
mar1_d: 18
mar1_m: 05
mar1_y: 1152
