C  U R R I C U L U M



Name:          Berchtold Frank RORDORF      


Birthdate:     February 8, 1946


Birthplace:    Berne, Switzerland


Citizenship:   Zürich, Switzerland



Institution             Degree              Field                Year

ETH - Zürich (Swiss Federal Dipl. Chem. Chemistry 1970
Institute of Technology)

University of California, Ph.D. Biophysics 1975
Campus Riverside

Indiana University, Postdoctoral Experience in Molecu-
Campus Bloomington lar Spectroscopy, 1975 to 1977

Ecole Polytechnique, Chargé de recherches au CNRS in
Palaiseau, France Laser Physics (Quantum Optics), 1977 to 1979

Honors and academic activities:

Silver Medal of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, 1970

Monsanto Research Scholarship for Studies in the USA

Distinguished Scholar of the University of California

Nonresident Tuition Waiver, UCR, 1971 to 1974.

Treasurer of the Swiss Society of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 1981 to 1991.







Employer  Dates
Regulatory Chemical

 Manufacture and Control

Novartis Pharma AG Basel

February 1997 to                                                                                                             February 2011  (pension)


Dr. Martin Hohermuth, Dermanci, Krebser.

Regulatory Affairs Coordinator for regulatory manufacture transfers in the Techops controlled re-organisation of the European pharmaceutical production of the Novartis Group after the merger of the Sandoz and CIBA pharmaceutical production organisations.


Daniel Schaller, Susanne Braunhofer.

REGCMC manager, creation of REGSTAT one of the first cloud applications of the Novartis Group running on WEB Servers in 1998, to obtain regulatory compliance by allowing change management with complete reproducibility of all steps during REGCMC involvement in the development and registration of Novartis pharmaceutical products.


Jacob de Boer, Trudi Haemmerli

Introduction of PUBS in 2002 a first cloud based workflow management tool of Novartis REGCMC for the organization of REGCMC publications by DRA with a full change management control achieving full compliance with regulatory requirements of all customer countries.  


Morton Garn, Leslie Martin-Hischack

Introduction of CERTS in 2003 and improvement in 2004 a WEB server based cloud workflow management tool of Novartis REGCMC for the ordering, translation, notarization and delivering to the customer countries of all required regulatory certificates such as manufacturing authorizations (MA), TSA-certificates, free sales certificates, Site Master Files and GXP- (GMP, GCP, GLP)  certificates.


Management  education                 Novartis Pharma AG Basel      April 1996 to February                      1997

Dr Walter Ritter.

Organisation and presentation of management education courses at Novartis central human recourses department. 


SE - Communicator of the              Sandoz Technology Ltd.           January 1, 1994  to

Sandoz Group                                                                                     April 1996


Dr. J.-J. Salzmann, Dr. U. Widmer and C. Fischer

Since 1994 safety and environment (SE) communicator of the Sandoz Group.  Permanent correspondent for SE of the International Sandoz Gazette (ISG).  Worldwide networking for the acquisition of SE success stories.  Internal press campaign for the introduction of SE 2000, a renewed commitment for SE of the Sandoz Group.  Contacts to industry associations such as the "Schweizerische Gesellschaft der Chemischen Industrie" (SGCI) and the "European Chemical Industry Council" (CEFIC).  Author of the SE chapters of two Annual Reports of the Sandoz Group.


Author of the Environmental Report 1993 and participation on the SE reports 1994 and 1995 of the Sandoz Group.  Editor and in part author of the annual reports of the worldwide SE coordinators (SEC) Report and of the Group Safety and Environment Report.  Author of over 20 ISG articles, in part as ghost writer. Editor of a company internal short information bulletin (Info Flash) for awareness raising and information exchange in the fields of safety and environmental protection.  Creation of a new company internal brochure for accident prevention (Review of Incidents).  Author of short information for experience exchange (Info Flash) and "learning lessons" (Review of Incidents).    Author of proviso statements on SE for press briefings. Synopsis writing for work shops and conferences (summaries to be distributed during the final session of a conference).  Extensive "Ghost writing" for the management including executive statements, annual reports, conference proceedings and guide-line articles.  Creation of brochures (SE  2000).



Projekt Leiter SE Training             Sandoz Technology Ltd.           January 1, 1993 to

and SE - Communicator of the                                                          present

Sandoz Group


Dr. J.-J. Salzmann, Dr. U. Widmer and C. Fischer

Project manager for safety and environment (SE) training,  Leader of the Project: "Training Video Safety First".  Planning, design, organization and facilitation of SE management courses, seminars, workshops and conferences.  Trainer for: SE communication, environmental reporting, local emergency management, accident analyses, risk analyses, preventive maintenance, environmental management systems such as ISO 14000 - EMAS,  legal aspects, presentation techniques, interactive training methods, creative  training, "mind mapping".  Design of training material (2 training videos, CBT and multimedia experience, "case studies", course manuals).  Preparation and translation (German to English and French to English) of scripts of training and public relations videos.  Administration of course material lending service on a worldwide basis. Evaluation and recommendation of out-sourcing courses and course material.

 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter    Physikalische Chemie und        Oct. 1979 to 1992

(WM 3, WM 4), FO 6.1                  Photochemie Ciba-Geigy AG


Dr. E. Marti, Dr. R. Zürcher and Dr. R. Zbinden

Development of automated methods for the measurement of physi­co-chemical substance parameters of environmental impact.  Envi­ronmental fate and creation of a thermodynamic corre­lation theory for the prediction of basis data for environmental modeling.  Generation of registration- and pre registration noti­fica­tion data using computer controlled methods with integrated on-line analysis.  Generation of substance data for environmental risk analysis and environmental impact studies.  Generation of substance data for hazardous waste treatment and industrial waste incineration.  Scientific public relation work in these areas.


Measurement of vapor pressure curves and of related thermodynamic parameters of polyaromatic hydrocarbons, of pesticides, of dike­tones and phthalates and of polyhalogenated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans.  Thermal decomposition, pyrolysis and combustion studies on the same classes of organic compounds.  Development of on-line monitoring methods including incineration monitoring, indoors pollution monitoring, evolved gas analysis and super­critical fluid extraction of soil and monitoring foams.  Develop­ment of a fully automatic method for the measurement of tempera­ture dependent water solubility curves on slightly water soluble compounds.  Development of a novel method for the direct mea­su­rement of Henry's constant (in progress).  Generation of data for the measure­ment and management of energy consumption in chemical plants and development of a mobile measurement stand for steam flow in spe­cialty chemicals plants.


Physics of solids and materials research.  Study of phase transi­tions and phase boundaries, the formation of liquid crystals and plastic phases and addition complexes, thermodynamics of polymor­phism and recording of phase diagrams.  Phase transition of heterogeneous and homogenous mixtures and study of azeotropy.  Solid state kinetics of organic compounds with special emphasis on nucleation phenomena.  Irreversible thermodynamics and chaos controlled processes.  The physics of fractals and implementation of the Mandelbrot theories in environmental sciences.


Instrument development and automation using dedicated personal computers.  Development of automation computer programs permit­ting software implementation of traditionally hardwired computer interfaces for instrument control and the design of automated experiments.  Development of computer software for the statisti­cal evaluation of drug testing programs on animal models inclu­ding data bank, non-parametric statistics tests and graphical representation of the results.



Employees Representative            Ciba-Geigy AG                         1991 to 1992


Co-organization of company internal election campaign and election to AVHA (Angestellten Vertreter Hoehere Angestellten).  Organisation of the newly introduced employees representation.  Coordination with the existing association with academic personnel (Akademiker Verein).  Participation on the salary negotiation 1992.  Preparation of the salary negotiation protocol for the employees representatives.


Attaché de Recherche de               l'Ecole Polytechnique,               Oct. to Sept. 1979

                                                         Palaiseau, France                     

Prof. Dr. C. Flytzanis

Radiationless processes in the gas phase. Quasi resonant vibrat­ion - vibration energy transfer in hydrogen.  Nonlinear optical effects of inorganic and organic materials.  Frequency doubling and frequency shifting, bistable optical devices.



Chargé de Recherches,                  Laboratoire d'Optique              Oct. 1977 to Sept. 1978

                                                         Quantique du CNRS

                                                         Paris, France                              

Prof. Dr. J. Ducuing

Quantum optics. Development of a mode locked giant pulse ruby ring laser using cavity dumping, multiple amplification stages, pulse splitting, frequency shifting and delay line technology.  Cohe­rent anti stokes raman scattering in hydrogen (CARS). Spectroscopy and vibrational relaxation of hydrogen using thermal lensing techniques. 



Research Associate                        Indiana University                    Oct. 1975 to June 1977

Prof. Dr. C. S. Parmenter (Member of the US academy of sciences)

High resolution laser spectroscopy on small molecules. Molecular relaxation and energy transfer at rotational level resolution in the gas phase.  Single rotation-vibration level (SRL) fluores­cence studies using tunable dye lasers and continuous wave (ar­gon) lasers in ultra narrow bandwidth configuration.  Spectroscopy of transient states and laser induced photo chemistry.



Researcher N.S.                             University of California            Summer 1975

Prof. Dr. G. Scott

Construction and testing of a mode locked neodym glass laser for picosecond laser spectroscopy and ultra fast kinetics.



Research Assistant                         University of California            1970 to 1975

Prof. Dr. D. R. Kearns

Thesis research in biophysics.  Physical biochemistry of transfer-RNA's, tRNA fragments and related biological macromolecules including viroids, synthetic polynucleotides, oligonucleotides, nucleotides and nucleic acids.  Study of equilibrium- and dynamic structure, structure - activity relationship, thermodynamic properties,  kinetics and energetic of solvent-, ionic- and drug interaction and study of the helix - coil transition of RNA's and DNA's.  Methods used:  High resolution NMR spectroscopy, optical spectroscopy, gel electrophoresis and gel filtration / HPLC.



Teaching Assistant                         University of California            Winter 1973

Prof. Dr. D. R. Kearns

Physical Chemistry for chemistry majors




Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter     ETH                                           Mai to Sept. 1970

Prof. Dr. H. H. Günthard and Prof. Dr. U. P. Wild

Singlet-Triplet excitation spectroscopy and phosphorescence- and fluorescence kinetics on purines and pyrimidines.



Praktikant (Trainee)                       IBM Switzerland                       March to April 1969

Data Processing and Mainframe Computer Programming


Produktives Teamworking, Sandoz Ausbildung, Basel, 2 days, 1995.

Basic Economic Training, Sandoz Ausbildung, Basel, 4 days, 1995.

"Say what you mean" , Sandoz Ausbildung, Twelve 90 minute units, Basel, 1995.

Group Instruction No. 5: Exposure to Chemical Substances, Sandoz Technoilogy, Basel, June 22-22, 1995.

Train the Trainer, Management Center Europe, Bruges, March 14-18, 1994.

Hazard Analysis (ZHA) Team Leader Training, Sandoz Technology, Basel, November 11-12, 1993.

Process Risk Analysis, Sandoz Technology, Basel, May 13-14, 1993.

Safety Testing and Process Safety, Sandoz Technology, Basel, May 10-12, 1993.

Safety and Environment Management Seminar, Sandoz Technology, Basel, May 3-7, 1993.

Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer Operation and Maintenance course, Hemel Hempstead, GB. October 13 to 15, 1986.

Projektleiterkurs, B. Rossi, Bad Schauenburg, August 13 to 16, 1985.

Kurs für CIBA-GEIGY Unternehemenskunde. Vorkurs, Basel mai 14, 1985; Kurs, Bad Schauenburg, Mai 20 to 24, 1985.

Tagung über Dampfdruckmessung, Fma. Netsch, Selb (Bavaria), May 24 to 25, 1984.

International Congress of Thermography, Lucerne, May 7 to 11, 1984
(no contribution to conference).

Wirtschaftskunde, Einführung in die Grundlagen der Volks- uns Betriebswirtschaft, Basel June 4 to 7, 1984.

Marketing Seminar 1984, Bad Schauenburg, January 23 to 28 and June 27 to 29, 1984.

6th. International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy, Interlaken June 27 to July 1, 1983 (no contribution to conference).

Kepner-Tregoe Seminar, J. Baumgartner, April 25 to 29, 1983.

Kreativitätskurs, Förderung der Kreativität im Team, Problemlösungsmethode IKI, G. Spiess, Bad Schauenburg, February 28 to March 3, 1983.

International School on Biothermokinetics. Biozentrum Basel, September 20 to 24, 1982.

Kurs Praktisches Führen, PEA, Basel, Mai 24 to 26, 1982.

Kurs Sitzungsführung, PEA, Dr. J. Ammann, Basel, Mai 11 to 13, 1981.


SE 2000: A Commitment to the Future, International SANDOZ Gazette 118, 1995.

Dangerous Dust: When Powders Explode, International SANDOZ Gazette 118, 1995.

SOS for the Rivers, International SANDOZ Gazette 118, 1995.

Open Dialog With the Public Is a Must, International SANDOZ Gazette 117, 1995.

Infrared Technology Lights the Way, International SANDOZ Gazette 117, 1995.

Saving Our Natural Heritage, International SANDOZ Gazette 116, 1995.

Watching for Health Hazards on the Job, International SANDOZ Gazette 116, 1995.

Process Risk Analysis on Computers, International SANDOZ Gazette 115, 1995.

Hauling Products Safely, International SANDOZ Gazette 115, 1995.

Hands-on Approach to Process Safety, International SANDOZ Gazette 114, 1995.

Putting the Pasig River on a New Course, International SANDOZ Gazette 114, 1995.

B.F. Rordorf, "Computers help achieve an integrated approach to hazard analysis" in CAREline, the Newsletter for Responsible Care, Managers Worldwide, Issue 2, 1995.

B.F. Rordorf, "Responsible Careâ Implementation at Sandoz", Proceedings of the Berlin Responsible Care Workshop of CEFIC, 1995.

Dr. U. Widmer und B.F. Rordorf, "Risikomanagement in der Praxis", in Risiko-Störfall Kommunikation, Gerling Akademie Verlag, München 1995.

Recycling Medicines for Humanitarian Needs, International SANDOZ Gazette 113, 1994.

SE 2000: Workshop of the Sandoz Group in Switzerland - Sustainable Development, International SANDOZ Gazette 113, 1994.

Turkey - Emission Control: Exhaust Gas Gets a Good Scrubbing, International SANDOZ Gazette 112, 1994.

"Waste Not, Want Not", International SANDOZ Gazette 112, 1994.

"Sacred Fire" Consumes Hazardous Waste, International SANDOZ Gazette 111, 1994.

Philippines - Manufacturing Methods Refined: Wander Saves Water and Energy, International SANDOZ Gazette 110, 1994.

Training Video Highlights Safety First, International SANDOZ Gazette 109, 1994.

"Waste Management Makes Good Sense", International Technology Review of the Sandoz Group, Feature Article by R. Rutte and B.F. Rordorf, 1994.

How Reliable is your Emergency Generator System?, Info Flash 2/96, 1995.

SE 2000 - Dorval Champions Sandoz Canada's Green Plan, Info Flash 1/96, 1995.

High Recycling Rate by Careful Waste Management, Info Flash 4/95, 1995.

Responsible Careâ, Info Flash 3/95, 1995.

Have a Look at your Containment Basin, Info Flash 2/95, 1995.

Wander Philippines and Pharma Japan Save on Air Conditioning, Info Flash 6/94, 1994.

Responsible Care - Local Enactment of a Global Commitment, Info Flash 5/94, 1994.

Computer Aided Process Risk Analysis: PRORA - PC, Info Flash 4/94, 1994.

Waste: Prevent, Reduce, Recycle, Treat, Dispose, Info Flash 4/94, 1994.

Major Reduction in Waste Water Emissions at Horsforth, Info Flash 4/94, 1994.

Safe Working on Tank-Cars, Info Flash 3/94, 1994.

Emergency Procedures Proven Effective During Plant Fire, Info Flash 3/94, 1994.

Energy Conservation is Everybody's Business, Info Flash 2/94, 1994.

SE in Laboratories: A Matter of Attitude, Info Flash 1/94, 1994.

Everybody can Save Energy, Info Flash 6/94, 1994.

Electrostatic Hazard Potentials with Centrifuges: Easy to Reduce, Info Flash 6/93, 1993.

Transport Accidents can Cause Major Damage, Review of Incidents 3, 1996.

Dusts and powders - a potential blow to plant safety, Review of Incidents 2, 1995.

Chain of events leading to incidents, Review of Incidents 1, 1994.


Safety and Environmental Protection chapters of the Annual Reports of the Sandoz Group, 1994 and 1995.

Safety and Environmental Protection at Sandoz in 1995, Project 1995.

Safety and Environmental Protection at Sandoz in 1994, Project 1994 - 1995.

Safety and Environmental Protection at Sandoz in 1993, Project 1993 - 1994.

Annual Report 1995 of SEC and Group Safety and Environment, Sandoz Group, 1996.

SEC Annual Report 1994, Sandoz Group, 1995.

Annual Report 1994 of Corporate Safety and Environmental Protection, Sandoz Group, 1995.

"SE 2000 - The Safety and Environment Protection Commitment", a brochure for the introduction of SE 2000 on group level, 1995 - 1996.

"Biosafety Workshops of the Seeds Division", Workshop Synopsis by B. F. Rordorf, 1996.

Script of the English version "SOS for the Rivers" of the film "Sauve qui veut la Loire" by Claude Edelmann, Paris, 1995.
PRORA - PC User Manual and Quick Charts, Text and Design, 1995.

"Waste Management Update", Conference Synopsis by B. F. Rordorf, 1994.

"SE Workshop'94: SE 2000 - on track towards sustainable development", Workshop Synopsis by B. F. Rordorf, 1994.

Co-autor of the scripts of the training video "Safety First", 1993.

Protocols of the Ciba-Geigy salary negotiation for the employees representation, 1991

102 individual Reports on Vapor Pressure Curve, 15 CIBA-GEIGY Pesticides, 65 further Pesticides and 22 halogenated Dibenzofu­rans, Dibenzo-p-Dioxins, Basel 1988 to 1989.

Hazardous Sample Handling (SOP FO 6 - AP - A03 / 1); Glove Box Procedures (SOP FO 6 - AP - A02 / 1) and Safe Handling Laboratory (SOP FO 6 - AP - A01 / 1); Sarna, L. P. and Rordorf, B. F., CIBA-GEIGY AG, Basel 1989.

Protocol on Vapor Pressure Curve; Vapor Pressure Measurements on 36 Halogenated Dibenzofurans, Dibenzo-p-Dioxins and related Compounds, CIBA-GEIGY AG, Basel 1989.

Protocol on Vapor Pressure Curve; Vapor Pressure Measurements on 42 Pesticides, CIBA-GEIGY AG, Basel 1989.

Protocol on Vapor Pressure Curve; Vapor Pressure Measurements on 15 CIBA-GEIGY Pesticides, CIBA-GEIGY AG, Basel 1989.

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Vapor Pressure Curve, SOP FO 6-AP-04 / 1, Rordorf B. F. and Pfammatter, B., CIBA-GEIGY AG, Basel 1988.

Analysis of Pump Residues from the Incident of December 1987. B. F. Rordorf, Bericht der Physik, CIBA-GEIGY AG, Basel 1988.

Pyrolysis of Profenofos (Curacron) by an automated instrument with GC - Ion Trap MS analysis. B. F. Rordorf, Basel 1987.

Pyrolysis of Chlorfenvinphos (Sapecron) by an automated instru­ment with GC - Ion Trap MS analysis. B. F. Rordorf, Basel 1987.

Pyrolysis of Methidathion (Ultracid) by an automated instrument with GC - Ion Trap MS analysis. B. F. Rordorf, Basel 1987.
Projektstudie EIK - Pilot, Dr. J. R. Randegger, Dr. B. F. Rordorf und EIK-Pilot Arbeitsgruppe, CIBA-GEIGY AG Stammhaus, 1986.

Chemisches Sicherheits Laboratorium (CSL) der Zentralen Funktion Forschung, Wegleitung für Sicherheitsmassnahmen, B. F. Rordorf, Bericht der Physik, CIBA-GEIGY AG, Basel, 1985.

Bericht zu "Besuch des AC Laboratorium Spiez am 27. Juni, 1985", B. F. Rordorf, Bericht der Physik, CIBA-GEIGY AG, Basel, 1985.

Gleichgewichtsbedingungen der Zersetzung von chlorierten Dioxinen resp. Furanen für hohe Temperaturen, Dr. H. Fierz und Dr. B. F. Rordorf, CIBA-GEIGY AG internal report, 1984

Projekt Energie Informatik Konzept (EIK), CIBA-GEIGY Stammhaus, Dr. J. R. Randegger (Projektleiter) und Dr. B. F. Rordorf (Stv. Projektleiter), CIBA-GEIGY AG Stammhaus, october 30, 1985.

Pflichtenheft fuer Mobile Dampfmessstation (B. F. Rordorf, 1. Fassung) und Uebergabe zum Bau und Einführung an CIT (Dr. G. Giger, H. Hinsen), mai 17, 1984.

Rapport über Aktivitäten zum Projekt ENITA 2, B. F. Rordorf, 1984.

Calculation of Reaction Equilibrium Constants using the JANAF Thermochemical Tables, B. F. Rordorf, 1983.

Vapor pressure for base set. IA analysis procedures for CIBA- GEIGY base set and OECD-MPD. IA - 118/1, September 10, 1982. Author, B. F. Rordorf.

Boiling point / boiling range. IA analysis procedures for CIBA- GEIGY base set and OECD-MPD. IA - 124/1, November 23, 1981. Author, B. F. Rordorf.

Projektvorschlag: Nichtlineare Optische Phenomäne in Festkörpern. B. F. Rordorf und N. Bühler. CIBA-GEIGY AG, July 22, 1981.


Project Leader, Safety and Environmental Protection Training of the Sandoz Group, 1993-1996.

Organisation of Biosafety Workshops in Enkhuizen, NL. (April 9-12, 1996) and Gilroy, CA, USA (April 17-19, 1996) for the Seeds Division of the Sandoz Group, 1996.

Member of the project team for the implementation of "SE 2000 - The Safety and Environment Procection Commitment" on group level and creation of a brochure, 1995 - 1996.

Environmental Reports of the Sandoz Group, 1993, 1995 and 1995.

Organisation of Waste Management Conference for the Sandoz Group, Houston, TX, USA (June 27-29, 1994), 1994.

Task Force: Technological Opportunities and Trends (Technology Assessment), 1994-1995.

Leader of the project team for the creation of the training video "Safety First".

Electronic Equipments Group CIBA-GEIGY AG consulting and instrument evaluation, 1988 - 1989.

Divisionale Arbeitsgruppe "Brandgasanalytik", Agrodivision CIBA- GEIGY AG, 1987.

Organisation of group seminaries, phys. - chem. Applikations­forschung, Seminar 1 to 9, 1986 to 1987.

Arbeitsgruppe der Analytik und Physik zur Durchführung von Brandgasanalysen, 1987.
Projekt Energie Informatik Konzept (EIK), Dr. J. R. Randegger (Projektleiter) und Dr. B. F. Rordorf (Stv. Projektleiter), 1985.

Fortschreibung von OECD-Prüfrichtlinien, physikalisch-chemische Eigenschaften. Umweltsbundesamt, Reichstag, Berlin, september 3 to 5, 1984.

Arbeitsgruppe "LASER" gemeinsam mit GRETAG AG, 1984 - 1986.

Unterprojekt, Aktion 3, des PG ENITA-2, Leitung B. F. Rordorf, Erarbeitung von Messinstrument/Einrichtung für die Messung der Nutzenergien im Bau K-90 (Modell Bau), 1984.

Projektgruppe ENITA-2, zur Beurteilung und Ueberwachung des Um­fassenden Energieverbrauchs in Produktionsanlagen der chemischen Industrie, Leitung A. Meyer, 1984.

Projekt "Partialdruck-Messinstrument und Instrument für Gas­phasenreaktionsanalyse". 1983/ 1984.

Projekt "Verbrennung Dioxinhaltiger Abfälle", 1984.

Projektteam "Dioxin-Thermodynamik / Kinetik", 1983 - 1985.

Projekt Dr. W. Haldemann; "Agrochemische Formulierungen". Insbesondere physikalische Chemie und Charakterisierung von Mikroemulsionen, Vorschlag neuer Methoden wie Lichtstreuung, Size Exclusion Chromatography, Ultrazentrifugation und Field Flow Fractionation, B. F. Rordorf 1982.

Projektteam "Partialdruck-Messinstrument". Development of instrument for partial vapor pressure determina­tion. 1980 to 1982.

Projektteam "Rengasil Zersetzungskinetik" 1981.

Konsulting bei Brochier Industrie, Lyon und Vorschlag der Entwicklung von Composites mit amorphen Metallen zur Abschirmung von EMP's in der Aerospace Industrie. 1980.

Enhancement of water solubility of (+)-Cyanidanol-3. 1980.


Thermodynamic properties of halogenated dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans and pesticides
Rordorf, B.F.; Nickler, B.; Lamaze, C.M.J.
Proceedings, 33rd Conference of the International Assoc. for Great Lakes Research, 1990.

Vapor pressure measurements on halogenated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans. An extended data set for a correlation method
Rordorf, B. F.; Sarna, L. P.; Webster, G. R. B.; Safe, S. H.;
Safe, L. M. ; Lenoir, D. ; Schwind, K. H. ; Hutzinger, O.
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Chlorinated Dioxins and Related Compounds, Toronto 1989, Chemosphere (1990).

Flow tube kinetics of benzocyclobutenedione thermolysis by an automated instrument with integrated gc - ion trap ms analysis
Rordorf, B. F.; Rutschmann S.; Schiess, P.
International J. of Mass Spectroscopy and Ion Processes, 95 (1989), pp. 211-222.

Prediction of vapor pressures, boiling points, and enthalpies of fusion for twenty-nine halogenated dibenzo-p-dioxins and fifty-five dibenzofurans by a vapor pressure correlation method
Rordorf, Berchtold F.
Chemosphere, 18(1-6), (1989), pp. 783-788.

Thermal decomposition curves of dibenzo-p-dioxins by a scanned flow tube pyrolysis method with on-line ion trap MS detection
Rordorf, Berchtold F.
Chemosphere, 18(1-6), (1989), pp. 1017-1024.

Vapor pressure determination for several polychlorodioxins by two gas saturation methods
Rordorf, B. F.; Sarna, L. P.; Webster, G. R. B.
Chemosphere, 15(9-12), (1986), pp. 2073-2076.

Thermal properties of dioxins, furans and related compounds
Rordorf, Berchtold F.
Chemosphere, 15(9-12), (1986), pp. 1325-1332.

Prediction of vapor pressures, boiling points and enthalpies of fusion for twenty-nine halogenated dibenzo-p-dioxins
Rordorf, Berchtold F.
Thermochim. Acta, 112(1), (1987), pp. 117-122.

The effects of anti-inflammatory agents on the serology and
arthritis of the MRL lpr/lpr mouse
Rordorf-Adam, C.; Rordorf, B.; Serban, D.; Pataki, A.
Agents and Actions, 19(5-6), (1986), pp. 309-310.

Mobility of HCX at Times Beach, Missouri
Rordorf, B. F.; Freeman, R. A.; Schroy, J. M.; Glasgow, D. G.
Chemosphere, 15(9-12), (1986), pp. 2069-2072.

The effects of different drugs upon the level of serum amyloid P component in autoimmune MRL 1pr/1pr mice
Rordorf-Adam, C.; Serban, D.; Grueninger, M.; Rordorf, B. F.
Marker Proteins Inflammation, 3, (1986), pp. 303-307.

Thermodynamic and thermal properties of polychlorinated compounds: the vapor pressures and flow tube kinetics of ten dibenzo-p-dioxines
Rordorf, B. F.
Chemosphere, 14(6-7), (1985), pp. 885-892.

Thermodynamic properties of polychlorinated compounds: the vapor pressures and enthalpies of sublimation of ten dibenzo-para-dioxins
Rordorf, B. F.
Thermochim. Acta, 85, (1985), pp. 435-438.

Thermal destruction of polychlorinated compounds: flow tube kinetics of ten dibenzo-para-dioxins
Rordorf, B. F.; Marti, E.
Thermochim. Acta, 85, (1985), pp. 439-442.

Editor of the Proceedings of the Third European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 1984, Interlaken, Switzerland:
Rordorf, B. F.; Editor, Thermochim. Acta, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands (1985) 533 pp.

Vapor pressure methods for industrial applications
Rordorf, B. F.; Geoffroy, A.; Szelagiewicz, M.; Marti, E.
Therm. Anal., [Proc. Int. Conf. Therm. Anal.], 6th, Volume 1,
313-18. Edited by: Wiedemann, Hans G. Birkhaeuser: Basel, Switzerland 1980.

Partial pressure measurement by the flow method
Marti, E.; Geoffroy, A.; Rordorf, B. F.; Szelagiewicz, M.
Therm. Anal., [Proc. Int. Conf. Therm. Anal.], 6th, Volume 1,
305-12. Edited by: Wiedemann, Hans G. Birkhaeuser: Basel, Switzerland 1980.

Predissociation in the S1 zero-point level of glyoxal vapor? A query
Loge, G. W.; Parmenter, C. S.; Rordorf, B. F.
Chem. Phys. Lett., 74(2), (1980), pp. 309-313.

S1-S0 fluorescence after narrow band excitation of glyoxal. Single rotational level fluorescence and a technique for deconvolution of Doppler congested absorptions
Rordorf, B. F.; Parmenter, C. S.
J. Mol. Spectrosc., 69(3), (1978), pp. 365-372.

Rotational relaxation in S1 glyoxal: cross sections and a search for propensity rules
Rordorf, B. F.; Knight, A. E. W.; Parmenter, C. S.
Chem. Phys., 27(1), (1978), pp. 11-20.
Fluorescence from selected rotational levels of S1 glyoxal
Parmenter, C. S.; Rordorf, B. F.
Chem. Phys., 27(1), (1978), pp. 1-9.

High resolution (300 MHz) NMR investigations on transfer ribonucleic acids and oligonucleotides

Rordorf, Berchtold F.
252 pp. Avail. Xerox Univ. Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich., Order No. 76-28,093
From: Diss. Abstr. Int. B 1976, 37(6), 2833-4, (1975).

Effect of europium(III) on the thermal denaturation and cleavage of transfer ribonucleic acids
Rordorf, B. F.; Kearns, D. R.
Biopolymers, 15(8), (1976), pp. 1491-1504.

Nuclear magnetic resonance investigation of the base-pairing structure of Escherichia coli rRNATyr monomer and dimer conformations
Rordorf, B. F.; Kearns, D. R.
Biochemistry, 15(15), (1976), pp. 3320-3330.

Rapid melting apparatus for studying thermal denaturation to polynucleotides
Rordorf, B. F.; Kearns, D. R.
Anal. Biochem., 71(1), (1976), pp. 172-180.

High-resolution NMR study of yeast tRNACUALeu and the native and denatured conformers of yeast tRNA-GLeu
Rordorf, B. F.; Kearns, D. R.; Hawkins, Erin; Chang, S. H.
Biopolymers, 15(2), (1976), pp. 325-336.

NMR investigation of proton exchange in transfer RNA by high resolution NMR
Rordorf, B. F.; Kearns, D. R.
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 65(3), (1975), pp. 857-862.

Physical properties of a minimal infectious RNA (viroid) associated with the exocortis disease
Semancik, J. S.; Morris, T. J.; Weathers, L. G.; Rodorf, B. F.; Kearns, D. R.
Dep. Plant Pathol., Univ. California Riverside, Calif., USA
Virology, 10-1 (Microbial Biochemistry), 63(1), (1974), pp. 160-167.


Rordorf, B. F.
Responsible Careâ Implementation at Sandoz Ltd., Workshop of the European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC), Berlin, May 8-9, 1995.

Rordorf, B.F. ; North, C.R.; Gerlach, T. ; Responsible Care® at Sandoz Ltd.. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Thermoanalytik und Kalorimetrie + GEFTA Meeting on Thermal Analysis, Valbella, Switzerland, 1994 (Poster).

Rordorf, B.F. ; Wiss, J.; Process Safety by Risk Management and Communication in Context of Responsible Care®. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Thermoanalytik und Kalorimetrie + GEFTA Meeting on Thermal Analysis, Valbella, Switzerland, 1994 (Poster).

Rordorf, B. F; C. Fischer; G. Suter; H. Angly; M. Trachsel; A. Bänninger; "Hauptsache Sicherheit" ein Schulungsvideofilm zur thermischen Sicherheit von chemischen Prozessen Thermische Analyse in Industrie und Forschung. Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der schweizerische Gesellschaft für Thermoanalytik und Kalorimetrie und GEFTA, Gesellschaft für Strahlenforschung, Neuherberg, München, September 13 - 16, 1993.

Rordorf, B. F.; Physical Chemical Properties in Environmental Modelling. Annual Meeting of the International Association of Great Lakes Research, 1990.

Rordorf, B. F.; Sarna, L. P.; Webster, G. R. B.; Safe, S. H. ; Safe, L. M. ; Lenoir, D. ; Schwind, K. H. ; Hutzinger, O. ; Vapor pressure measurements on halogenated dibenzo-p-dioxins and diben­zofurans. An extended data set for a correlation method. 9th International Symposium on Chlorinated Dioxins and Related Com­pounds, Toronto, Canada 1989 (Poster).

Rordorf, B. F.; Sarna, L. P.; Webster, G. R. B.; Safe, S. H. ; Safe, L. M. ; Lenoir, D. ; Schwind, K. H. ; Hutzinger, O. ; Ther­mal Properties of Environmental Contaminants: Vapor Pressure Measurements on Halogenated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins and Dibenzofurans. Symposium on Chemical Thermodynamics, Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis, Basel 1989 (Poster).

Rordorf, B. F.; Pyrolysis of Methidathion, Parathion and Linuron by an Automated Instrument with Integrated GC-Ion Trap MS analysis. Workshop on Chemistry and Fate of Organo phosphorous Compounds, Analytical Chemistry of Gaseous Combustion Products. Barcelona, Spain 1987.

Rordorf, B. F.; Pyrolyse organischer Verbindungen. Internationale Fachmesse für Verfahrenstechnik, Messtechnik und Automatik ind der Chemie (ILMAC'87), Basel 1987.

Rordorf, B. F.; Prediction of vapor pressures, boiling points, and enthalpies of fusion for twenty-nine halogenated dibenzo-p- dioxins and fifty-five dibenzofurans by a vapor pressure correla­tion method. 7th International Symposium on Chlorinated Dioxins and Related Compounds, Las Vegas, Nevada, 1987 (Poster).

Rordorf, B. F.; Thermal decomposition curves of dibenzo-p-dioxins by a scanned flow tube pyrolysis method with on-line ion trap MS detection. 7th International Symposium on Chlorinated Dioxins and Related Compounds, Las Vegas, Nevada, 1987 (Poster).

Rordorf, B. F.; Rutschmann S.; Schiess P.; Flow tube kinetics of benzocyclobutenedione thermolysis by an automated instrument with integrated gc - ion trap ms analysis. International Symposium on Mass Spectroscopy and Ion Processes, Canterburry, GB., 1986.

Rordorf, B. F.; Prediction of vapor pressures, boiling points and enthalpies of fusion for twenty-nine halogenated dibenzo-p- dioxins. Thermal Analysis Symposium of the GEFTA and STK, Freiburg i. Br., FRG. 1986.

Rordorf, B. F.; Thermal properties of dioxins, furans and related compounds, 5th International Symposium on Chlorinated Dioxins and Related Compounds, Bayreuth, FRG. 1985.

Rordorf, B. F.; Sarna, L. P.; Webster, G. R. B.; Vapor pressure determination for several polychlorodioxins by two gas saturation methods. 5th International Symposium on Chlorinated Dioxins and Related Compounds, Bayreuth, FRG. 1985 (Poster).

Rordorf, B. F.; Freeman, R. A.; Schroy, J. M.; Glasgow, D. G.; Mobility of HCX at Times Beach, Missouri. 5th International Sym­posium on Chlorinated Dioxins and Related Compounds, Bayreuth, FRG. 1985 (Poster).

Rordorf, B. F.; Thermodynamic and thermal properties of polychlorinated compounds. 4th International Symposium on Chlorinated Dioxins and Related Compounds, Ottawa, Canada 1984 (Poster).

Schaub, W.; Marti, E.; Rordorf, B.F.; Buser, H.-R.; Panel Discussion on Alternative Methods in the Destruction of Highly Toxic Substances. European Symposium for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (ESTAC 3'84), Interlaken 1984.

Rordorf, B. F.; Thermodynamic properties of polychlorinated compounds: the vapor pressures and enthalpies of sublimation of ten dibenzo-para-dioxins, European Symposium for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (ESTAC 3'84), Interlaken 1984.

Rordorf, B. F.; Marti, E.; Thermal destruction of polychlorinated compounds: flow tube kinetics of ten dibenzo-para-dioxins, European Symposium for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (ESTAC 3'84), Interlaken 1984, (Poster).

Rordorf, B. F.; Marti. E.; Ebner G.; Widmer, H. M.; Der Partialdruck: Ein wesentlicher Parameter in der angewandten chemischen Forschung, 8. Internationale Fachmesse für Verfahrenstechnik, Messtechnik und Automatik ind der Chemie (ILMAC), Basel 1981.

Marti E.; Geoffroy A.; Heiber O.; Rordorf, B. F. (prepared poster); Solid State Reactions of an Organic Compound. Second European Symposium on Thermal Analysis, Aberdeen, 1981.

Rordorf, B. F.; Geoffroy, A.; Szelagiewicz, M.; Marti, E.; Vapor pressure methods for industrial applications. 6th International Conference on Thermal Analysis, Bayreuth FRG 1980. (Poster)

Marti, E.; Geoffroy, A.; Rordorf, B. F.; Szelagiewicz, M.; Partial pressure measurement by the flow method. 6th International Conference on Thermal Analysis, Bayreuth FRG 1980.

Rordorf, B. F.; Parmenter, C. S.; Rotational Relaxation and Single Rotational Level Fluorescence Spectroscoppy in the S1(1Au) State of Glyoxal. Radiationless Processes 1977. Breuklen, the Netherlands 1977.

Parmenter, C. S.; Rordorf, B. F.; Single Rotational Level Fluorescence Spectroscoppy and Rotational Relaxation in the S1(1Au) State of Glyoxal. 32nd Annual Symposium on Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy (1977). Columbus OH, 1977.

Parmenter, C. S.; Rordorf, B. F.; Rotational relaxation in the Exited Electronic State of Glyoxal. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 22, 408 (1977); Annual conference of the American Physical Society, San Diego CA, 1977.

Rordorf, B. F.; Knight, A. E. W.; Parmenter, C. S.; The Collisional Flow of Rotational and Vibrational Energy in the S1 State of Glyoxal Vapor. 31st Annual Symposium on Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy (1976). Columbus OH, 1976

Rordorf, B. F.; Kearns, D. R.; Reid, B. R.; Mudd, J. B.; The Process of tRNA Helix Melting as seen in High Resolution 300MHz NMR. Fed. Proc., 32, 585 (1973), Atlantic City 1973.


"Environmental communication, a key to attain sustainable development", ein Vorlesungsbeitrag zu Kommunikation von Technik und Wissenschaft; Aufbaustudium "Mensch, Gesellschaft, Umwelt" der Universitaet Basel, Mai 13, 1996.

Rapporteur on Implementation Indicators and guest member of the Swiss delegation (SGCI) to the Responsible Careâ workshop of the European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC) in Berlin, May 8-9, 1995.

Plenary lecture conference proceedings on "Mechanism of Polychloro Dibenzo-p-Dioxin and Furan Formation and Destruction" on the Fifth International Symposium on Chlorinated Dioxins and Related Compounds, Bayreuth, FRG, 1985.

Conference Opening Lecturer of the Sections "Physical Chemical Properties in Environmental Modelling", "Chemical Dynamics in Lake Ecosystems" and "Air-Water Exchange of Organic Substances" on the Annual Meeting of the International Association of Great Lakes Research, 1990.

Rordorf, B. F.; Pfammatter, B.; Verma, M; Hofberg, A.; Vapor Pressures of Triazines and Related Pesticides. IAS of Ciba- Geigy, AG. Luzern, October 16, 1989 (Poster).

Thermal Properties of Environmental Contaminants and Pesticides. University of North Carolina, School of Public Health, invited by Prof. J. Charles, Chapel Hill, September 29, 1989.

Thermal Properties of Environmental Contaminants: Vapor Pressu­res, Water Solubilities and Thermal Decomposition Measurements of Halogenated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins, Dibenzofurans and Pesticides. Indiana University, School of Public and Environmental Affairs, invited by Prof. R. Hites, Bloomington IN, September 27 1989.

Vapor Pressures of Halogenated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins, Dibenzofurans and Pesticides. An extended data set for a correlation studies and for the estimation of Henry constants. University of Toronto, Department of chemical engineering, invited by Prof. D. Mackay, Toronto, Canada , September 20, 1989.

Thermoanalysis of Pesticides. Jahrestagung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Thermoanalytik und Kalorimetrie, Fribourg April 14, 1988.

Studium der Thermischen Zersetzung von Pestiziden und Dibenzo-p- Dioxinen mittels Durchflusspyrolyse mit MS Detektion. Universität Ulm, Abteilung Analytische Chemie und Umweltchemie, invited by Prof. K. Ballschmiter, Ulm FRG., February 9, 1988.

Dampfdruck und Brandgasanalyse von Pestiziden. Ciba-Geigy AG, Fortbildungskurs, Moderne analytische physikalische Methoden. Basel, January 27, 1988.

Determination of Physical Constants of Environmental Contami­nants, Vapor Pressures and Pyrolytic Properties of Dibenzo-p- Dioxins, Dibenzofurans and Pesticides, University of Manitoba, Pesticide Research Laboratory, Department of Soil Sciences, Winnipeg, Canada 1987.

Enstehung, Entsorgung und Analytik von Polychlorierten Dibenzo-p- Dioxinen, Dibenzofuranen und Verwandten Verbindungen. Symposium am Haus der Technik, Essen FRG. June 6, 1987.

Flow tube pyrolysis with on-line GC-MS detection. Combustion Workshop organized by Prof. Dr. O. Hutzinger, Bayreuth, FRG. Sept. 8, 1986.

Application of Ion Trap Mass Spectroscopy in Thermal Analysis. Finnigan-MAT, Hamel GB. Oktober 17, 1986.

Physikochemische Eigenschaften von Chlorierten Dibenzodioxinen als Basis für eine rationale Entsorgung. EAWAG, June 30, 1986.

Physikochemische Eigenschaften von Chlorierten Dinenzodioxinen als Basis für eine rationale Entsorgung. Institut für organische Chemie der Universität Basel, Basel Mai 23, 1986.

Thermokinetik von Benzcyclobutandiketon. Institut für organische Chemie der Universität Basel, Basel Mai 14, 1986.

Thermische Eigenschaften und Entsorgung von Polychlorierten Dibenzo-p-Dioxinen, Dibenzofuranen und Verwandten Verbindungen. Dioxin Symposium am Haus der Technik, Essen FRG. Mai 6, 1986.

Automatisierte Messung von Dampfdrucken. Erfahrungsaustausch Thermoanalyse, Ciba-Geigy AG and Mettler Instrumente AG, Basel April 29, 1986.

A Highly Sensitive Novel LIF Immunoassay. Ciba-Geigy AG, Laser­erfahrungs­austausch, December 5, 1985.

Laser Diagnostics in Combustion and Flame, A Review. Ciba-Geigy AG, Lasererfahrungs­austausch, Mai 13, 1985.

Thermoanalytische Methoden für Siedepunkt-, Schmelzpunkt- und Dampfdruckbestimmungen. OECD Updating Panel, Bundesamt für Umweltschutz, Berlin, Sept. 3 , 1984.

Nichtlineare Optische Eigenschaften von Organischen und Polymeri­sierten Molekülen. Physikalisch-chemisches Institut der Universität Zürich, Sept. 1, 1984.

Vapor Pressures and Thermal Decomposition of Polyhalogenated Dibenzo-p-dioxins. Chemical Manufacturers Association, Washington DC, Sept. 25, 1984.

Thermal Destruction of Polychlorinated Compounds. Indiana University, Bloomington IN, Sept 22, 1984

Nichtlineare Optische Eigenschaften von Organischen Molekülen. Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, FRG. June 26, 1984.

Laserinduzierte Chemie in der Gasphase mit dynamischer Gasphasen- Reaktionsanalyse. Ciba-Geigy AG, Lasererfahrungsaustausch, Mai 10, 1983.

Einsatz von Lasern in der Angewandten Forschung. Gretag AG, Regensdorf, November 17, 1982.

Nichtlineare Optische Effekte, eine Einführung. Ciba-Geigy AG., Zentrale Forschungs Laboratorien, October 20, 1981.

Nichtlineare Optische Effekte Organisch Chemischer Materialien. Ciba-Geigy AG., Z F L, November 6, 1981.

Energieübertragung in Molekularem Wasserstoff, Physikalisch Chemisches Institut der Universität Zürich, 1979.

Single Rotational Level SRL Exitation of Glyoxal: Fluorescence, SRL Exitation Spectroscoppy and Rotational Energy Transfer in the S1(1Au) State. Universiteit van Amsterdam, Vakgroep Fysische Chemie, Amsterdam 1978.

Fluorescence et relaxation des niveaux rotationnels individuels dans l'état 1Au du glyoxal. Laboratoire de photophysique moléculaire, Université de Paris-Sud, Orsay, France 1978.

High Resolution NMR Studies of the Base Pairing Structures of tRNA's and their Fragments. Laboratoire de Biophysique et de Biochimie, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France 1978.

Fluoreszenz Spektroskopie und Rotations-Relaxation einzelner Rotationsniveaus im S1(1Au) Zustand von Glyoxal. Physikalisch Chemisches Institut der Universität Zürich, 1977.

Single Rotational Level Fluorescence Spectroscoppy and Rotational Relaxation in the S1(1Au) State of Glyoxal. Laboratorium für Physikalische Chemie der Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschule (ETH), Zürich, 1977.